The focus is on affordable housing

Real estate in India today, is buzzing with only two words. Affordable Housing. Even the Government has realized the importance of affordable housing with its Housing for all by 2020 initiative. A number of developers are now focusing on affordable housing. However there is no compromise on the quality of construction. These houses have a number of amenities and are also not very costly.
Affordable housing is all about location
Developers first buy land where it is affordable. This land will be on the growth corridors on a major city. Land will be close to offices and will have connectivity to the city. The developer can acquire these land parcels at a cheap rate. This can mean affordable housing.
Affordable housing is all about maintenance
A house can be affordable only if the maintenance costs are low. Builders will use amenities and services which do not require much of maintenance and have multi purpose benefits.
Some tax benefits too
The government plans to give tax benefits to both buyers and developers to encourage affordable housing.
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